AI and your Human Mentor

AI and your Human Mentor

AI and your Human Mentor

As a teacher who has helped many students in their UPSC journeys, I have seen the appeal of AI -based learning tools. They promise to be time-saving, personalized and appear to make the journey easier. However, please allow me share with you a truth that was hard-earned: relying on AI too much can act as an obstacle rather than a shortcut towards your UPSC ambitions.

Let’s be frank: AI has its place. It can be an amazing adjunct assisting you in getting organized, practicing questions and giving immediate feedbacks. But this is the point: UPSC is not just about acquiring knowledge. This paper implies that one has to mould their mind into analysing situations critically, developing thinking skills and learning how to put together ideas from various sources so as to come up with reasonable arguments based on them. These competencies are not achievable by any algorithm.

AI and your Human Mentor

Consider this:

The best essays are written by those who don’t just memorize information but can link what they know with other pieces of unrelated information together, those who can think about things from several angles at once and tell stories that move hearts because they depict humanity in all its complexity and contradictions. The sort of intellectual agility I am talking about comes from deep reading, robust debate and dialogue as well as guidance from seasoned mentors who challenge your assumptions or help you realize what you do not yet understand.

However advanced AI technology may be, there will always be something incomputable about human spark.